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Why Automate Salon and Spa Bookings?



Date Published


The facts says it all! – Your business needs to be round the clock. 

Salon and spa appointments are mostly booked from mobile devices, most of which are made by the ‘GEN-Z’! The new generation is well informed about various aspects of grooming and is willing to look their best on social media…that’s the catch! 

Your business needs to show up online and offer a great customer experience at the same time.

Now let’s consider the ‘Millennial’. They are most likely to book after their working hours, most likely your business working too! 

With a  booking management system  in place,  your Salon/Spa business is not only open 24*7 but is collating data in a systematic way.

Another major benefit of a booking management system for a salon/spa business is that it automatically fills the taken spot online and opens it up again in case someone has canceled. That way you will never leave vacant activity spots, maximizing your reservation and  reducing  no- shows

With an online booking system, you can seamlessly up-sell by adding guides and activities, loyalty programs and promotional offers. This will increase engagement hence, revenue.

These offers and programs can require customers to prepay for the services, this can reduce no-shows drastically.

With DINGG, the all-in-one  business management software  you can say goodbye to unreliable means for booking and capture your potential business with 24*7 availability through our booking management system.

Determine popular services, most requested time slots or most admired programs by using our online booking system.

Scheduling & Analytics Game On-Point!

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